Architectural innovations with John Körmeling

Public art depot

Next to the renowned Boijmans museum building is the Boijmans van Beuningen Depot. The imposing art depot is located in Rotterdam cannot be missed. The art depot is open for the public. The Boijmans Depot is the first art depot in the world that grants access to the public. This is unique in the art world.

Making an art depot public is quite a challenge. The works of art must not only be exhibited, but all facilities for visitors must also be taken into account. From a lobby to toilets and dining facilities. Such a prestigious project requires an impressive and inspiring interior.


An architect like no other

John Körmeling is a household name within architecture. He is well known for his brilliant designs, both in the country and abroad. Due to his unique background, he does not only have an eye for architecture but also for creative and artistic responsible solutions to transform the perception of spaces.

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Materiaal is een onuitputtelijke bron van kleur, licht, vorm en toepassing. Ontdek de mogelijkheden.

From sample to collaboration

Back in 2018 John Körmeling recieved a sample from Pyrasied of Versato New Colours in the colour raspberry. He did not have an application in mind, but he loved the material. After he was given the task from the Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen, he knew the application for the material! On a morning John stood on the sidewalk at Pyrasied with the sample is his hand and his plans for the museum. This was the start of a intensive collaboration between John Körmeling and Pyrasied.

John visited Pyrasied in Leeuwarden several times from Eindhoven tot talk about the design and to assess the prototypes. Even during the implementation of the design modifications were made. John immediately fell in love with the laser techniques, curves and the bonding of a closet that stood in Pyrasied’s office. This was the beginning of the now well-known raspberry lockers, tables and closets that decorate the entrance.

material mix

Not only the Versato New Colours raspberry pink (P12906) is reflected in John’s design, transparent acrylic (P1005) has also been used. The transparent acrylic is incorporated into the display cabinets to create a real ‘glass look’. The glass look is created by polishing the acrylic. The colour raspberry pink, which is somewhere between red and pink, combines perfectly with the pink and white lamps that hang form the ceiling, selected by John.


This prestigious project has known its challenges. Pyrasied is supplier of plastics. The assembly is generally carried out by an interior designer. Because Pyrasied had the opportunity to work directly with the architect, installation was also part of the assignment.

The hinges and locks for the display cases and lockers were complex. Everything had to be bonded with millimetre precision. The collaboration between BlonkStaal and Pyrasied was key. BlonkStaal took care of the metalwork. That is a huge challenge, but we succeeded! The display cabinets that hang on rails and can be moved by sliding are an unique piece of craftsmanship. Both the steel construction must be able to withstand the weight of the acrylic and the acrylic must hold itself together.

The bonding had to be invisible for the naked eye. The expertise of our employees and their patience were put to the test. In short, not only the design, but also the realization of the entrance is a work of art in itself.

Laat je inspireren

Materiaal is een onuitputtelijke bron van kleur, licht, vorm en toepassing. Ontdek de mogelijkheden.

“I am mainly proud of the fact that our materials are visible every day to hundreds of visitors, who can enjoy the art depot”

Sander de Boer, CEO of Pyrasied.

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