Creating aesthetics

Pyrasied can offer you the materials and solutions you need to give your project(s) a unique character. We will gladly inspire you with engaging examples and show you our latest material solutions ranging from plastic wall panels to sustainable interior design and from unique textures to strikingly beautiful colour combinations.

Pyrasied can offer you the materials and solutions you need to give your project(s) a unique character. We will gladly inspire you with engaging examples and show you our latest material solutions ranging from plastic wall panels to sustainable interior design and from unique textures to strikingly beautiful colour combinations.

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Developing together

We also provide inspiration with innovative solutions that do not yet exist. They may include materials, textures and/or structures that we create especially for your needs, including materials that are currently under development. We aim to bring your ideas and desires to life exactly as you imagined them, and we would be pleased to assist as your professional partner.

As an architect, you know better than anyone that materials play a key role in creating an aesthetically pleasing and sustainable design; one that sets you apart and pleasantly surprises your client. Pyrasied offers a wide range of materials that possess unique characteristics when it comes to colour, gloss, pattern, light properties and other parameters. This page sets out a few of our prestigious projects. We hope they will inspire you and encourage you to get in touch with us. We will gladly tell you more about all the characteristics and possible applications. We can inform you all about the sustainable aspects of the material and its lifespan, and provide details of our take-back service. We would also be delighted to show you the structural and properties of our materials. If you have any questions about a particular project, material or application, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to turn your ideas into reality.

To view and feel the material, simply request a sample.

Ace & Tate Amsterdam

From idea to implementation: draw inspiration from these projects.

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And keep fully updated about all developments when it comes to materials and material applications.

The infinite applications of materials

The materials from Pyrasied are magnificent as eye-catchers in your project or as an integral part of your dynamic design.

The possible applications are endless. From applications on walls till art objects. The possibilities are endless.

The materials from Pyrasied have an unique interaction with lights. By playing with light you create an unique experience.

The creative accents are completely in your hands. Pyrasied visualises them for you.

Your design is like no other. Of course that should be reflected in the materials. We create every colour, shape and effect especially for you.

Not only special colours and effects are possible with our materials, but also the shape can be influenced.

In addition to all the custom work, Pyrasied is expert in the field of light/LED control. We are happy to help you.

Especially for you, we develop, together with you, new colours and colour combinations. Everything to make your vision come to life.

Get in touch with the Pyrasied team directly

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