Knowing our materials inside and out

We are keen to inspire you with the wide-ranging ways our materials can be used. If you would like to know more about any of the materials you come across on this page, such as their various mechanical, optical, thermal, and chemical properties, please get in touch with us. Our materials specialists will be happy to tell you more about them.

Walk with me

We are keen to inspire you with the wide-ranging ways our materials can be used. If you would like to know more about any of the materials you come across on this page, such as their various mechanical, optical, thermal, and chemical properties, please get in touch with us. Our materials specialists will be happy to tell you more about them.

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Infinite applications

As an engineer, you set high standards for the systems and products that you develop. It is therefore understandable that you look for the right components, techniques and materials. Of course, we will gladly help you find the most suitable material. To inspire you, we display some applications here.

Holland Casino

As an engineer, you know that the choice of materials is a key factor in designing a product. After all, the material can affect its performance, durability and lifespan. We can advise you about all the physical properties of our materials and will supply you with the necessary certification where required. For example, if your product needs to be lightweight or able to withstand high temperatures, we will help you make an informed choice. The right choice of materials can also result in cost savings. Materials that might initially be cheaper to buy could actually turn out to be more expensive in the long run because of their shorter lifespan. You might also want to factor in environmental aspects when making your choice. In other words, the right choice of materials is crucial when it comes to ensuring your product or project has the right properties, as well as being durable and cost-effective in the long term. We will gladly advise you about our many and beautiful sustainable options.

To view and feel the material, simply request a sample.

The Transformer

You have the idea and the technology. We have the materials to shape your idea.

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And keep fully updated about all developments when it comes to materials and material applications.

The infinite applications of materials

At Pyrasied you get the eye-catcher with the right specifications. The ideal combination is gorgeous and functional.

Pyrasied has light diffusers in its product range, they are specially designed to direct, bundle and distribute light.

The materials from Pyrasied work together beautifully with lights. Illuminating the material creates an extra dimension in the design.

Pyrasied does not only have light diffusers in its product range, but also has materials that collaborate excellent with light.

Materials with the right requirements and associated certificates for applications in medical or machine appliances are available at Pyrasied.

Your project has specific requirements that are meant to be met. Pyrasied can meet this requirement by providing customized solutions.

Not only special colours and effects are possible with the materials from Pyrasied, but also the shape can be influenced.

When a project contains unique shapes in materials, it can create a challenge to realize. At Pyrasied you came to the right place for this.

For projects with unique lighting properties, Pyrasied is the right choice. As an expert in the field of light/LED sector we are happy to help you.

Pyrasied can deliver extremely strong and wear-resistant materials for your project. Pyrasied has a huge product range, the right material type is always available for your project.



Are you looking for material made to the right specifications?

We will happily help you find them. Please feel free to contact us

Get in touch with the Pyrasied team directly

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